
I recently refreshed my Commercial Demo, working with the amazing Roy Yokelson of Antland Productions. It had a fun and spirited feeling to it, lots of different emotions and I thought it deserved a video as well.

Conversational Commercial Demo done by youthful voice over talent Susan Hohman

Yes, I most often do cute furry things but not always. I actually have done a couple of tough guys which is really quite hilarious if you know me.

Another place you can hear my mobster voice is as the Fairy Godmother on the Podcast “The DadBod of Destiny” available wherever you get your podcasts for free. It’s for adults but family friendly. A magical, or maybe hilarious adventure of redemption… but with dad jokes.

I don’t just voice the actual toys, I voice the commercials for the toys as well. I love doing all things kids!

Bucket List!


You see when this all started, I knew I wanted to bring joy to people. I wanted to be different and unique, like a unicorn. Meet Misty….. my very first Unicorn character.

Be sure to tune into all the Honey Bee Acres episodes on YouTube to catch me playing all sorts of fun characters.